Living with diabetes
Take Charge of Your Diabetes
All About your A1C
When managing your diabetes regular visits and tests are important part of keeping your diabetes under control. A simple blood test known as A1C or HbA1c test measures your average blood levels over the past 3 months, it is also the main test to help you and your health care team manage your diabetes.
Learn more about A1C
Your A1C Result
The A1C results are numbers in the form of a percentage. A high percentage means high blood sugar. Work with your doctor to set your own individual A1C goal, also your results help you and your doctor monitor your treatment.
Taking Care of Your Kidneys
Diabetes can cause kidney disease, also known as chronic kidney disease (CKD). The good news is that there is a lot you can do to prevent kidney problems, including keeping your sugar and blood pressure under control. Talk to your doctor about the best ways to keep your kidneys healthy, including healthy food and physical activity, and regular eye exams.
Healthy Eyes
Diabetes can harm your eyes but there are things you can do to keep them healthy. Serious eye problems happen more often among people with diabetes, regular exams help your doctor find and treat eye problems early to protect your vision. Talk your doctor about routine eye exams, and regular A1C test to measure your blood sugar over time because poor blood sugar can make eye problems happen faster.
Blood Pressure Checks
Diabetes and high blood pressure are common conditions among Hispanic and Latinos that put them at risk for vision loss. Have your blood pressure checked every time you see your primary care doctor. The American Diabetes Association recommends keeping your diabetes and blood pressure under control to lower the chance of getting kidney disease.
Learn more about blood pressure
Diabetes and Healthy Eating
Food is a big part of maintaining a cultural identity and therefore well-being and overall health. Eating a healthy diet is a key to managing diabetes and preventing serious complications.
The cultural importance of food is passed down from generation to generation. The good news is that you can still enjoy many of the food that you and your family love and manage your diabetes too, as many traditional ingredients have always been healthy and versatile.
Latin American dishes in the Hispanic community for example, often use ancient grains like quinoa, great source of fiber and has many health benefits, especially for people with diabetes, also legumes like peas and pinto and black beans are commonly found in Hispanics and Latin dishes, legumes provide proteins and fiber, and they are low in fat, which can help lower your cholesterol, manage your blood sugar, and maintain a healthy gut. Talk to your doctor about foods you can benefit from and additional support and resources.
Learn more about healthy eating
Resources and tools
To learn more about healthy eating recipes click on the links provided below.
Healthy Recipes
| Tasty Recipes for People with Diabetes and Their Families Fiesta of Flavors - Hispanic Recipes for People with Diabetes |
To learn more about Valley Health Plan can support you in your health journey click on the links provided below.
Health and Wellness programs
| Centers of Disease and Prevention – Diabetes Care VHP Healthy Living Self-Management Tools |