Protected health information
VHP takes the security of your Protected Health Information (PHI) seriously. VHP staff has pledged to only access your information if it is required to serve your health coverage needs. Information is shared on a need-to-know basis only and discussions regarding PHI are only held in private environments. Staff is trained upon hire regarding PHI and all the safeguards around oral, written, and electronic access to PHI. All written documents that contain PHI are kept locked when not in immediate use. When no longer needed, written PHI is placed in locked shred bins for secure disposal. All electronic PHI is password-protected, with individual passwords developed for employees who need access to PHI to perform their job functions, and these passwords must be periodically changed. VHP has installed electronic firewalls and monitors access to the system to prevent inadvertent loss of PHI. Inappropriate access or use of PHI by employees may result in immediate dismissal from VHP.