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Forms and resources


The Shoppers Forms section provides information and links to forms that VHP Members might need to use to help us give you the best care.


The Coordination of Benefits and Information Form is required to be filled out if you or your dependent(s) have, or are entitled to other group health insurance, including Medicare. It is required by California law that you provide VHP with information about any other health insurance coverage that you care for yourself and/or your dependents. 

Download a PDF copy of the VHP Coordination of Benefits Information Form

Link to VHP's fillable Small Group Enrollment Application


Plan information

The Plan Information section is where you will find information to help you get the most out of your health coverage plan.


An Advance Health Care Directive is a formal document, signed by you in advance of a severe illness or injury, which will guide your physician(s) when providing treatment. Notwithstanding this document, you still have the right to make medical and other health care decisions for yourself so long as you can give informed consent regarding the particular decision. As long as you can speak for yourself, Plan Providers will honor your wishes. But, if you become so incapacitated that you cannot make an informed decision, this directive will guide your health care treatment based on the directions you set out in the Advance Health Care Directive.

For more information visit the VHP Advance Health Care Directive page.

Valley Health Plan affirms That:

  1. Utilization Management decision making is based only on appropriateness of care and service and existence of coverage.
  2. The organization does not specifically reward practitioners or other individuals for issuing denials of coverage.
  3. There are no financial incentives for Utilization Management decision-makers.

VHP offers a no cost, innovative Autism Care Management Program designed to support families taking care of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Program care managers work with parents to deliver one-on-one support, prioritize care issues, and address any barriers that are obstacles to the family or their child receiving necessary health care services.

The VHP care manager serves as the primary point of contact for families and can answer questions or address any problems the family is experiencing in making sure their child’s health care needs are met. VHP’s care managers are ASD specialists with the experience and understanding to help families living with a developmental disorder.

Through the Autism Care Management Program families develop a relationship with their care manager that allows them to function as an extension of their health care team. This relationship helps to ensure that families get coordinated support in alignment with the family’s other doctors and specialists.

Families with a child with an ASD diagnosis are contacted by one of our care managers after becoming a VHP member or when a current member receives an ASD diagnosis. If you are interested in finding out more about VHP’s Autism Spectrum Disorder Care Management Program, please call (888) 863-7586 (toll-free)

Valley Health Plan (VHP) offers you several ways to choose a Primary Care Provider (PCP). We encourage you to take the time to research available Primary Care Provider and make an informed choice based upon you and your family’s needs and preferences.

Ways to make an informed decision:

  • Visit the VHP Provider Search to learn more about VHP’s network of doctors and which doctors are available to you within your plan.
  • Contact Member Services at (888) 421-8444 (toll-free) to speak with one of our knowledgeable and friendly Member Service Specialists.
  • Use the internet to research physicians that you find in the VHP Provider Search to read about their credentials, affiliations, and specialties. You can also use the internet to find out what other patients say about the care they receive from a physician.
  • Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors. Often the best information comes from the people you know and trust.

As a Member, you have the right to change your Primary Care Provider (PCP) at any time. The change will take effect on the first day of the next month after your request is received. During that time a new Member ID card will be sent to you with the name of your new PCP.

It is important that you wait to seek services from you r new PCP until the change has become effective or you could be financially responsible for any services received.

To choose or change your PCP, contact VHP Member Services at [email protected] or by phone at (888) 421-8444 (toll-free).​

If you or your Dependent(s) have an Acute Condition, a Serious Chronic Condition, a Pregnancy, a terminal illness, or your newborn child between birth and age 36 months is under medical care, you may be eligible to continue to receive treatment from your provider (e.g. physician or hospital):

  • ​if your treating Plan Provider terminates as a VHP Plan Provider, or
  • if you are receiving care from a non-participating provider at the time of your enrollment in VHP Plan.

You have the right to request a copy of the Plan’s continuity of care policy. To request a copy of this policy, call Member Services at (888) 421-8444 (toll-free).

To choose or change your PCP, contact VHP Member Services at [email protected] or by phone at (888) 421-8444 (toll-free).​

For more information visit the VHP Continuity of Care page. 

Everyone is concerned about rising health care costs and many assume there’s nothing they can do about it. However, estimates are that up to 3 percent of health care costs are wasted by overstated, double-billed, or otherwise fraudulent charges. We all pay for these excesses. Valley Health Plan (VHP) is committed to the prevention, detection and reporting of health care fraud, waste and abuse. You, our health plan members, are a vital part of helping us address this problem. In the process, you are protecting yourself from unnecessary higher costs and potentially more serious concerns, such as identity theft.

We encourage members to notify VHP of any suspicious activity you might encounter while receiving care from one of our practitioners or providers. All complaints regarding fraud will be investigated. This will allow VHP to take the necessary actions to protect members from unlawful activities.

For more information about how to spot and report suspicious activity visit the Fraud, Waste, and Abuse page. 

Your benefit plan requires members to obtain all covered services through Plan Providers in the VHP Network, except in the case of an Emergency Room or out-of-area Urgent Care visit. If you seek services from Non-Plan Providers without a VHP approved referral, you may be financially responsible for the charges.

To find a Plan Provider – use our Provider Search or contact VHP Member Services for assistance at:

(888) 421-8444 (toll-free)​
Monday - Friday

We understand that health coverage can be intimidating. Sometimes you read about your benefits and it seems like they are written in a foreign language. The VHP Glossary of Health Coverage and Medical Terms can help you understand common health coverage terms, so you can get the most out of your plan.

Download a PDF copy of the VHP Glossary of Health Coverage and Medical Terms

As a Member, you are entitled to certain rights and services. You also have a responsibility to participate in your health care. A good partnership between you and your PCP will enhance our ability to provide appropriate services and for you to get the most from your coverage plan. 

Visit the VHP Member Rights and Responsibilities page for a complete list of your rights and responsibilities.

Valley Health Plan (VHP) contracts with Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) and Plan Providers who are responsible to provide and coordinate Covered Services or Benefits for you, the Member. Except in the case of Emergency Services, Urgently Needed Services, or if VHP has Prior Authorized services, you must receive all of your care from these VHP Plan Providers. If you receive services outside of the VHP Network without Prior Authorization, you may be responsible for the charges

Link to VHP's Referrals/Prior Authorizations page

The Utilization Management (UM) Department ensures appropriate use of resources by evaluating and determining coverage for medical care services for members and providers.

To receive information about the UM process or the status of authorizations and referrals, call Member Services at (888) 421-8444 (toll-free), Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PST.  

Language services are available at any time, for the hearing and speech impaired, call the California Relay Service (CSR) by simply dialing 711 or the 800 CRS number of your modality. All calls received after business hours, on weekends, and on holidays will be returned on the next business day.

The California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) requires health plan members to be seen in a timely manner. The primary intent of these regulations and the underlying legislation is to ensure that the VHP network of providers has the capacity and availability to provide care to you within certain timeframes for the various levels of care. However, sometimes waiting longer for care is not a problem. Your physician may give you a longer wait time if it would not be harmful or your health. It must be noted in your record that a longer wait time will not be harmful to your health.

Please take time to read the following California Timely Access Standards on the VHP Timely Access page. 

Employer group plan information

The Employer Group Plan Information section is where you will find specifics about our Classic and Preferred Plans.

People working in office

Valley Health Plan's Employer Group Plan provides an explanation of your rights, benefits, services, and responsibilities as a Classic or Preferred Employer Group Plan Member. It also explains Valley Health Plan's health maintenance organization responsibilities to you. 

Employer Group Benefits and Coverage Handbook (EOC)

The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document will help you choose a health plan. The SBC shows you how you and the plan would share the cost for covered health care services. NOTE: Information about the cost of this plan (called the premium) will be provided separately. This is only a summary. For more information about your coverage, or to get a copy of the complete terms of coverage, visit us at or call (888) 421-8444. For general definitions of common terms, such as allowed amount, balance billing, coinsurance, copayment, deductible, provider, or other underlined terms see the Glossary. You can view the Glossary at or call (888) 421-8444.


English Version

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) for Large Group Non IHSS (County) 2025

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) for Large Group IHSS 2025

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) for Small Group 2025

Versión En Español

Resumen de Beneficios y Cobertura Large Group Non IHSS (County) 2025

Resumen de Beneficios y Cobertura Large Group IHSS 2025

Resumen de Beneficios y Cobertura Small Group 2025

Phiên Bản Tiếng Việt

Bản Tóm Lược về Quyền Lợi và Mức Bao Trả  Large Group Non IHSS (County) 2025

Bản Tóm Lược về Quyền Lợi và Mức Bao Trả Large Group IHSS 2025

Bản Tóm Lược về Quyền Lợi và Mức Bao Trả Small Group 2025


福利和承保范围摘要 Large Group Non IHSS (County) 2025

福利和承保范围摘要 Large Group IHSS 2025

福利和承保范围摘要 Small Group 2025

The Schedule of Benefits and Coverage Matrix (SOBM) can be used to help you compare coverage benefits and is a summary only. The Evidence of Coverage (EOC) and Plan contract should be consulted for a detailed description of coverage benefits and limitations. 


English Version

Schedule of Benefits and Coverage Matrix (SOBM) for Large Group Non IHSS (County) 2025

Schedule of Benefits and Coverage Matrix (SOBM) for Large Group IHSS 2025

Schedule of Benefits and Coverage Matrix (SOBM) for Small Group 2025

Versión En Español

Matriz del programa de beneficios y cobertura 2025: Large Group Non IHSS (County)

Matriz del programa de beneficios y cobertura 2025: Large Group IHSS

Matriz del programa de beneficios y cobertura 2025: Small Group

Phiên Bản Tiếng Việt

2025 Bả ng Quyền Lợi và Mức Bao Trả: Large Group Non IHSS (County)

2025 Bả ng Quyền Lợi và Mức Bao Trả: Large Group IHSS

2025 Bả ng Quyền Lợi và Mức Bao Trả: Small Group


2025 保 障福利表 & 承保范 围矩阵表:Large Group Non IHSS (County)

2025 保 障福利表 & 承保范 围矩阵表Large Group IHSS

2025 保 障福利表 & 承保范 围矩阵表Small Group

Covered California and IFP Information

The Covered California and Individual & Family Plan Information (IFP) section is where you will find specifics about our Covered California and IFP Plans.


Valley Health Plan's Covered California and IFP Plan Combined Evidence of Coverage (EOC) provides an explanation of your rights, benefits, services, and responsibilities as a Covered California or IFP Plan Member. It also explains Valley Health Plan's health maintenance organization responsibilities to you. 

Covered California and IFP Combined Benefits and Coverage Handbook(EOC)

The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) can help you choose a health plan. The SBC shows you how you and the plan would share the cost for covered health care services. NOTE: Information about the cost of this plan (called the premium) will be provided separately. This is only a summary. For more information about your coverage, or to get a copy of the complete terms of coverage, visit us at or call (888) 421-8444. For general definitions of common terms, such as allowed amount, balance billing, coinsurance, copayment, deductible, provider, or other underlined terms see the Glossary. You can view the Glossary at or call (888) 421-8444.

The Schedule of Benefits and Coverage Matrix (SOBM) may be used to help you compare coverage benefits and is a summary only. The Evidence of Coverage (EOC) and Plan contract should be consulted for a detailed description of coverage benefits and limitations. 

To view all of the Covered California and IFP Summaries of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) and Schedules of Benefits and Coverage Matrixes (SOBM) visit the page linked here.

Additional resources

The Additional Resources section is where you will find information about things like immunization schedules or how to request electronic medical records.


Immunizations, also known as vaccinations, help protect you and your children from getting an infectious disease. When you get yourself or your child vaccinated, you help protect others as well

Immunizations are important for a variety of reasons. By receiving an immunization for a disease, a person defends him or herself against catching that disease. But the benefits do not stop there; society gains a collective immunization as more and more people become immune to a particular disease.

CDC Immunization Schedule Recommendations or Information

English Versions

Link to immunization schedule for infants and children (birth to 6 yrs)

Link to immunization schedule for children and adolescents (7 yrs to 18 yrs)

Link to immunization schedule for adults (19 yrs and older)

Versiones en Español

Enlace a Vacunas recomendadas para niños, desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años de edad

Enlace a Vacunas recomendadas para los niños desde los 7 hasta los 18 años de edad

Enlace a una Serie de Informacion para Adultos Vacunas

Valley Health Plan offers Pediatric Dental Services through The Liberty Dental Plan of California Program (LDP). This provides essential pediatric dental care through a convenient network of Contract Dentists in the VHP service area. These Dentists are screened to ensure that our standards of quality, access, and safety are maintained. The network is composed of established dental professionals. When you visit your assigned Contract Dentist, you pay only the applicable Copayment for Benefits up to the Out-of-Pocket Maximum.

Link to find a Liberty Dental Dentist

You have a right to your health records. A federal law called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) gives you the right to see and get a copy of your health record. Most health insurance plans and— including doctor’s offices, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, labs, and nursing homes — must follow this law.

Link to Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Electronic Medical Records page

Link to Natividad Medical Records page

Link to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC) Medical Records page

Link to Stanford Health Care Medical Records page

Link to Sutter Health and Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF) Electronic Medical Records page

To make a Third-Party Liability (TPL) Inquire follow the process below:

  • Billing/Lien/Subpoena Records Requests - mail to:  Valley Health Plan 2480 N. First St, Ste 160, San Jose, CA 95131 along with a copy of the HIPAA signed authorization (addressed to Valley Health Plan) and a $15.00 check payable to Valley Health Plan.
  • Inquires:  To follow up on a request, please fax a recent inquiry to (408) 885.5926 or call (408) 885-5931.
  • Questions:  Please ​email to [email protected]​.​